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  • Stuart Black

Embracing Your Inner Extrovert

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change". Charles Darwin

Here I am writing my first ever post for LinkedIn. I thought it fitting that I try and set the scene, so chose a topic that is close to me. Surprisingly so.

To answer the question at the top, I thought I was at least a little extrovert. I am fairly confident in business, happy enough around people. I felt I was always outgoing and enjoyed good times with friends and family. I may never have been the life of the party but I wasn’t the person in the corner. Perhaps I masked my lack of confidence with humour which made me feel more extrovert. I don’t know. But lately I have really started to question if, deep down, I am an introvert?!

The world has changed, and will continue to do so. A lot due to the COVID19 pandemic. A lot due to the pace of digital, environmental, political and social demands and requirements. I have found myself having to change too. More through force than choice.

I have spent most of my adult career working in M&A, corporate development and strategy. I've been fortunate to have worked with, and worked for some amazing companies and people. And to this day I have only ever used LinkedIn as a modern day CV and a place to develop a social "black book" of contacts and "network". And, in reality, I never did that very well.

I think COVID has made the world a smaller place. People seem to be engaging more with social media as a way to connect with the people they would have normally seen in person. Business continues and the world tries to adapt to the new normal. Being more savvy about business continuity and development, very likely means engaging more across the social channels as a means to stay relevant, connected and visible to your friends, family, customers, suppliers and target audience. You don’t have to look too far to see many global corporates have already embraced this new way of connecting and generating.

Having been made redundant recently, the one thing I have not done is been open minded to developing my own online presence. Sure, I have set up another LinkedIn page for my newly formed consulting company and I have created a high level website too. Everything people need is there. However, both you could argue, are safe options. Neither really requiring me to really put myself out there, front and center. For all to see. Lots of others seem comfortable doing it. Companies are adopting it. Why is it so hard for me to follow suit?

With the above said, I now find myself here. Pushing myself over that fence. I struggle with this. Even as I type now. And I will struggle with it for some time. It just feels unnatural. Some people are experts at it. Some are not and prefer to read posts than create them. I put myself in this camp. I thought I was an extrovert. Someone who could do this. But when its time to face the music and leave yourself open and vulnerable, it can be extremely difficult and very uncomfortable.

With that said, and referring back to Darwin's quote at the beginning, we are all operating in a climate and landscape that is unprecedented and therefore with no prearranged solution. Yet we, and business, must evolve. I too must change in order to embrace what is not going away; a social footprint.

Social channels are now avenues for leads and sales and a way to continue both personal and business visibility and relevance. It's time I used these same channels for these same reasons. Says the practicing extrovert…

Perhaps I'm not alone? Adapt or die I once read…

Kind regards


Mackenzie Black Ltd

Enabling Strategic Ambition With Execution

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